Fortschrittliche Blockchain: wo intelligentes Kapital auf strategische Innovation trifft

The evolution of venture capital for blockchain
Advanced Blockchain invests in, builds, and incubates global blockchain and Web3 solutions. We deploy expert research, investment, development, and business resources towards ideas and projects in order to build and scale teams and products that generate long-term value.
Established in 2017, Advanced Blockchain AG was founded by a small group of visionaries that were inspired by the endless possibilities of blockchain technology. Our leaders are driven to actively participate in shaping the future of Web3 and have continued to build and grow a strong and capable team of leaders to succeed in this undertaking. In the last five years, Advanced Blockchain has positioned itself as a leading investor, builder, and thought leader in the budding decentralized finance space, a vertical of blockchain technology that is paving the way for mainstream adoption of the new frontier of technology.
The Advanced Blockchain corporate family is an extensive team of analysts, developers, programmers, economists, marketers, and mathematicians, all of which are dedicated to developing the future of Web3. In the last year, we have witnessed unprecedented growth in human and capital resources. Advanced Blockchain has grown from 15 members in January 2021 to 200 by April 2022. We are a truly global team as we are spread across 6 continents and are always pushing the narrative of diversity and productivity. We are growing at a fast yet necessary pace as we pride ourselves in the evolution of our ethos to be the central point for a decentralized future. We believe that this exact alignment, fortitude, and consistency is why Advanced Blockchain is a hub that is built to last and succeed in the inevitable blockchain-enabled future.
We build, sustain and pioneer blockchain industry leaders
In order to pioneer the mass adoption of Web3, we have rethought the venture capital model and center with strategic building as a core fundamental. We are investors, venture builders, and researchers on a unified mission to accelerate the evolution of the space. As investors, our philosophy entails making strategic investments early to accelerate the potential of promising founders throughout all ecosystems of the blockchain space with the overarching objective to participate in profitable opportunities at an attractive entry point. As builders, our method involves deploying our talent towards well-researched ideas to craft and successfully run revenue-generating businesses. In this way, we pioneer cutting-edge solutions that redefine new frontiers of blockchain and Web3 from ideation. As incubators and researchers, we are a holistic resource for like-minded founders, both internal and external, looking to contribute to Web3 adoption. At our core, Advanced Blockchain is a team of creators and leaders that power the inception, sustainability, and evolution of projects we help build and commit to. By rethinking the very nature of incubation and acceleration, we are a radical venture studio and investor pushing the power of collaboration to accelerate a new generation of innovation and entrepreneurs.
We believe in three fundamental values for leading the next generation of industry leaders:
- Smart Capital Investments: our strategic capital allocation and portfolio support efforts
- Proactive Venture Building and Incubating: our integrated approach to venture building, incubating, and scaling
- Holistic Research and Education: our holistic research efforts and education programs
AB.Capital is our investment wing and is uniquely positioned to provide smart capital to entrepreneurs at every stage of the business life cycle. Our portfolio companies can take full advantage of the resources provided by AB Labs and AB Research to accelerate their growth, refine their innovation, and scale their operations. We give our shareholders the ability to participate early in attractive and exclusive Web3 opportunities, providing long-term value to our global investors, partners, and communities.
A critical aspect of the Advanced Blockchain business model is our involvement and investment in projects that we believe will have a significant return on investment. We do this through our research team’s recommendations exploring untapped innovation opportunities and predictions on the most impactful trends. Our thesis for sourcing and deciding on what tokens to hold and what projects to support follows a simple yet well-vetted process involving individuals across our teams that contribute their well-rounded expertise. We pride ourselves in backing the visionaries of the future and believe that our portfolio of investments reflects and represents a well-established and promising position for both playing a part in governing the future and financially participating in the growth of these platforms we are supporting.
In addition to finding the most promising and profitable investments for the long term, we are purposeful in our methodology in selecting and curating a portfolio that is as ambitious as our vision. As part of our investment thesis, we often seek projects that contribute utility and long-term value to our overall ecosystem. For that reason, we promote interoperability in the solutions but also in interoperable workflow and collaboration between our projects. We call this ecosystem-centric investing.
Ecosystem-centric investing
Through our pioneering research team we identify problems and gaps within the ecosystems, and proactively find valuable solutions. Using the recommendations of the in-house research team, we carefully assess the longevity and profitability of the thesis, whilst being cognisant of current projects and innovations that we currently build or invest in. By doing so, we set ourselves apart as smart investors and beyond our investment provide this necessary insight to our portfolio. Research, therefore, is not isolated to just birthing the latest innovations and solutions but is an active part of how we carefully invest conscientiously and strategically in the trends of today and tomorrow.

By bringing our expertise from traditional and decentralized finance, we have married together a team that not only can pioneer innovation but bridges the gap for mainstream adoption of Web3 solutions. Being mindful of our other core values, we favor investing as early as possible to ensure that projects have as much benefit added from Advanced Blockchain and we have the most advantageous investment position. Our extensive teams of in-house experts across software, communication, research, and business development are regularly utilized by our diverse portfolio, to build and further evolve their products, presence, and value. This can range from in-depth product reviews to marketing strategy with implementation and assistance in integrations and partnerships with other protocols - truly adding value beyond our capital investment to entrepreneurs and companies. This unique service offering has enabled us to access early-stage deal flows for ambitious projects and their founders.
The Advanced Blockchain ecosystem is taking tremendous strides through the growth of our investments and the successful creation of new innovative ventures. We have recently invested in several promising projects such as Element Finance, Neon Labs, Obol, Polymer Labs, NEAR protocol, and Talisman. These investments were made alongside some of the most prominent investors in the space such as a16z (Andreessen Horowitz), Polychain Capital, Blockchain Capital, and Dragonfly Capital. AB.Capital is committed to diversifying our portfolio further and accommodating rapid innovation in the Web3 landscape.
AB.Labs: Beyond Incubations
AB.Labs is a hub for like-minded founders seeking to incubate their ideas through our venture-building division. We empower entrepreneurs with the necessary resources to build and scale their ideas whilst identifying further opportunities to integrate their developments with other products and services within our holistic ecosystem. We build real problem-solving businesses in-house grounded by well-researched and tested ideas. Our Labs and Research teams, therefore, work in tandem to develop valuable and necessary solutions that are equipped with the talent, resources, and tools to scale the business efficiently and successfully.
Advanced Blockchain Labs enables us to work with the teams of the future to ideate, develop, and support the most promising innovations from inception. We find success in our Labs division in two distinct ways:
- Enabling and supporting entrepreneurs to build, run, and scale companies or spin-offs through holistic and flexible services and incubations: We provide the necessary scaling resources to entrepreneurs or teams that are seeking to bring their business ideas to the next stage. Our resources can be immediately deployed towards teams and don’t require long-term commitment. Thus, talent and resources are implemented when and where they are needed to alleviate the pain of hiring a team of experienced and sometimes niche employees that are necessary for certain short-term deliverables of projects. We allow businesses to focus on their core competencies while we support them with other necessary tools, talent, and networks to scale effectively.
- Building and running companies within Advanced Blockchain: We build projects from the ground up by identifying problems, ideating and testing a feasible solution, and deploying the necessary resources to build, run, and scale a successful business that attracts a community of investors, users, and partners. We identify the right leadership, development, research, and marketing team to run and build not only the project but to grow, sustain, and educate a community.
Thus, AB Labs is a holistic hub where internal and external innovators are equipped with leading talent, expertise, and thought to birth their solutions and bring them to market as we believe in true integration while being respectful of autonomy. Additionally, our scaling services are available for external teams on a contract basis, these teams can utilize our consultancy and software development services, providing Advanced Blockchain with recurring revenue streams.
Teams and projects that are integrated into AB Labs can utilize the whole wealth of resources available to them from across our product, marketing, and research teams to catapult their project to new heights. Incubated Projects benefit greatly from our development house ( building across several chains and frameworks from solidity, cosmos and substrate, product testing and technical auditing) branding team (narrative and positioning, design collateral), product design (ux/ui, product interfaces and testnets), marketing (content plans, social media strategies, growth hacking and community management), business development, cryptographers and infrastructure (legal, HR, book-keeping and accounting). Our global team of over 200 people covers support for a wide range of solutions required by Web3 projects. Our reputation and network have enabled us to support many CEOs of the future and we are proud to be building with the brightest minds and true disruptors in Blockchain.
AB Lab’s resources are leverageable and can be immediately deployed to supplement the core members of a team to realize their goals while avoiding long-term hiring of niche experts to solve short-term problems in the building processes. This is a unique value proposition for teams that have scalable products but lack scalability in their organizational structure. Through Advanced Blockchain Labs, experts from a variety of disciplines can be resourced to projects that need specific expertise for specific timelines. Without AB Labs, these resources and talent acquisitions can be hard to find, expensive, and require unnecessary long-term commitments.
AB Labs and all of our resources have been leveraged by projects to launch successful revenue-generating products, token generation events, and other tried and tested functionalities and infrastructures. Our team is integrated across different projects so they are able to provide insights and opportunities which previously innovators that were isolated may be unfamiliar with or do not possess the technical prowess to execute. As builders ourselves, we know this bespoke offering is not possible to attain elsewhere in the industry. We pride ourselves on deep philosophical rigor and power our projects with the necessary thought and intellectual resources from ideation to execution. Additionally, our existing portfolio of investments and incubations continues to successfully build and scale as showcased by the major milestones accomplishments towards their respective visions. Our team has worked closely with Composable Finance to accomplish an astounding year.
In addition to the incredible accomplishments that are highlighted in the year in review, Composable has started the year off strong by securing a Polkadot Parachain slot at auction and raising over $32M in their Series A financing round. Additionally, AB. Labs and Composable Labs have built, launched, collaborated, and supported several projects and efforts that are integrated into the Composable Ecosystem such as Instrumental Finance and Angular Finance. Furthermore, we have built and supported projects that address needs across DeFi such as Bribe Protocol for dGov, Quasar for vault strategies and yield aggregation in the Cosmos ecosystem, Warp Finance for novel leverage opportunities outside of DotSama, Peaq showcasing our efforts beyond DeFi, and several exciting projects such as Panoptic - a Uniswap v3 based perpetual options protocol.
SOSV, Sting x NASDAQ and our Advanced Blockchain Pre-Accelerator Program:
Advanced Blockchain continues to partner with leading VCs, company builders, and accelerators to source and build projects. While most of these projects currently remain in stealth, several promising projects have benefited from our collaborative accelerator programs and have been able to complete successful funding rounds. These programs are very hands-on and allow us to work with founders to build solutions from the ground up. These partnerships allow us to source and provide support to external entrepreneurs from ideation to scale.

AB. Research
AB.Research is an integral part of enabling the future of Web3 by analyzing, theorizing, and actualizing solutions to the most probing questions in the industry. Our research division acts as an in-house think tank to identify problems in the industry and create innovative solutions. Additionally, it supports our portfolio companies by understanding and deploying their expertise to solve some of their most in-depth problems.
AB Research is the embodiment of our dedication to the space as a whole and the ways that we can drastically change the world for the better. Our team is composed of leading cryptographers, mathematicians, and academics with prolific backgrounds. AB.Research aims to unlock the phenomenal talent that lies still at the periphery of Web3, stagnated by Web2 or other lagging industries - by asking the right questions, identifying and testing feasible solutions, and equipping teams with the relevant knowledge, we confidently launch solutions that add value to the Web3 space. In addition to identifying solutions to new problems, our team is dedicated to solving the challenges that existing protocols face. These challenges are sometimes unidentified, our research team thus helps protocols avoid future problems by identifying potential economic exploit scenarios in their products.
Our team of groundbreaking researchers that comprise Advanced Blockchain’s in-house think tank is led by Jesper Kristensen, a PhD in applied physics from Cornell University. Our researchers explore the most probing questions to then identify and test solutions that are necessary to move our portfolio investments forward. They do this by understanding some of the most in-depth problems of our portfolio investments. By doing so, AB Research is not limited to just an afterthought but is an integral part of informing, educating, and actualizing our series of investments, and efficient sequences. By answering some of the most probing questions in the industry, the think-tank poses new ones for innovators and incubated projects to solve, bringing the cycle full circle.
In unserem Kern glauben wir, dass es von größter Bedeutung ist, einen Neuanfang von Forschern und Akademikern zu fördern, die inspiriert sind, die großen Fragen zu lösen und zu beantworten, mit denen Web3 derzeit konfrontiert ist. Es ist ein notwendiger Bestandteil, die besten Köpfe und Denker anzuziehen und sie zu inspirieren, Baumeister und Forscher für die Zukunft von DeFi und darüber hinaus zu werden. In diesem Sinne fördert AB.Research unser Engagement für Bildung, indem es Talente und Denkweisen fördert, die sich auf die Massenakzeptanz des Raums auswirken können. Auf diese Weise können wir auch die besten Talente einiger der weltweit führenden Institute für uns gewinnen.
Hier sind einige Beispiele dafür, wie wir Pädagogen und Forscher für Blockchain inspiriert haben:
- Förderung von Doktorandenstipendien — an der University of Warwick
- Zusammenarbeit mit der University of Chicago
- Schaffung und Förderung von Blockchain-Stipendien
- Partnerschaften zwischen Universität und Pädagogen, einschließlich eines intensiven DeFi-Bootcamps für Studierende der Universität von Valencia
- Integrationen und Kooperationen auf dem Campus, einschließlich Forschung und Praktika für Studierende der University of Hong Kong
- Wir entwickeln derzeit eine multimediale Bildungsbibliothek mit Inhalten, darunter Podcasts, Videoerklärungen und eine Einführung in die wichtigsten Grundlagen der Blockchain.
In Forschung und Bildung geht es für uns darum, Vorstellungskraft zu haben und uns gleichzeitig der aktuellen Einschränkungen bewusst zu sein. Wir glauben daran, die nächste Generation des Denkens in diesem Bereich zu entwickeln, und mit unserem Engagement für Stipendien, offene Veröffentlichungen und unsere Präsenz an den wichtigsten Zentren des akademischen Denkens verwirklichen wir die Vorstellungskraft, die über ihre derzeitigen Zuständigkeiten hinausgeht.

Stand des Blockchain-Marktes: Leitgedanken für die Zukunft der Blockchain
Es gibt immer noch viele Diskussionen darüber, wo sich der Blockchain-Markt in den nächsten Jahren befinden wird, obwohl wir glauben, dass die Zukunft der Blockchain so gut wie sicher ist und eine wichtige Rolle dabei spielen wird, die Kluft zwischen der traditionellen Welt und dem digitalen Raum zu überbrücken. Im Jahr 2021 positionierte sich Advanced Blockchain durch unsere Forschungs-, Entwicklungs- und Investitionsbemühungen erfolgreich als echte treibende Kraft und Ressourcenzentrale für DeFi. Es ist kein Geheimnis, dass DeFi zu einem der am schnellsten voranschreitenden und am weitesten verbreiteten Themen im Blockchain-Bereich geworden ist. Wir glauben, dass der Präzedenzfall, den der DeFi-Sektor geschaffen hat, viele Vordenker aus verschiedenen Branchen vorgestellt und dazu inspiriert hat, über die Möglichkeiten nachzudenken, diesen neuen technologischen Rahmen und diese neue Struktur zu nutzen, um einer Vielzahl von Produkten und Dienstleistungen in ihrer eigenen Branche zugute zu kommen. Advanced Blockchain will an der Spitze dieser Bewegung stehen und wird die Grenzen des Blockchain-Marktes weiter überschreiten.
Die Blockchain-Technologie erfordert immer noch eine Vielzahl von Aktualisierungen, bevor sie allgemein akzeptiert und standardisiert werden kann. Wir haben viel Zeit damit verbracht, den problematischen Zustand des Blockchain-Ökosystems zu untersuchen, das in seinem aktuellen Zustand isoliert ist. Insgesamt sind wir der Meinung, dass die Zukunft von DeFi und den verschiedenen darin enthaltenen Protokollen darin besteht, eine Umgebung mit mehreren Ketten zu schaffen. Davon abgesehen ist dieses aktuelle Multi-Chain-Framework ein zweischneidiges Schwert, das die Fähigkeit zur freien Zusammenarbeit und Kommunikation stark einschränkt. Wir sind uns der Realität und der Ergebnisse einer Multi-Chain-Technologie bewusst und positionieren uns weiterhin darin, unsere Ressourcen zu bündeln, um eine kettenübergreifende Zukunft zu ermöglichen und einen offenen Markt zu ermöglichen.
Die kettenübergreifende Zukunft, die wir uns vorstellen, wird es Entwicklern und Benutzern ermöglichen, von allen Ressourcen und Vorteilen der Blockchain-Technologie zu profitieren. Lösungen sollten fragmentiert einsetzbar sein, um die Vorteile verschiedener Blockchains nutzen zu können und gleichzeitig in der Lage zu sein, über Ökosysteme hinweg kohärent zu kommunizieren. Was wir unterstützen und aufbauen, ermöglicht es Entwicklern und Benutzern, sich durch den Einsatz verschiedener Blockchains auf die wichtigsten Vorteile zu konzentrieren, die ihren speziellen Bedürfnissen entsprechen, da sie unterschiedliche Vorteile in Bezug auf Skalierbarkeit, Sicherheit und Nützlichkeit bieten. Daher waren unsere Bemühungen in den Bereichen Forschung, Entwicklung, Investitionen und Bildung auf Projekte ausgerichtet, die darauf abzielen, die negativen Auswirkungen dieser isolierten Multi-Chain-Umgebung zu mildern, um eine kettenübergreifende Zukunft zu erreichen. Wir haben Interoperabilität in allen Aspekten unserer Unternehmensgründungs- und Investitionsstrategie verankert, denn wir glauben, dass wir, um unsere Ziele der globalen Blockchain-Einführung zu erreichen, in einen Zustand des Blockchain-Agnostizismus eintreten müssen.
Fortschrittliche Blockchain: Die Zukunft von Web3 gestalten
Wir untersuchen und entwickeln Strategien für eine Vielzahl verschiedener Blockchain-Technologien, die alle Branchen abdecken. Unser Forschungsteam führt gewissenhaft Konzeptentdeckungen durch, um uns dabei zu helfen, unsere Investitionen und Inkubationsbemühungen weiter auszubauen. Durch diese Bemühungen schaffen wir die Voraussetzungen für die Fortsetzung des Wachstumskurses von DeFi, da wir der Meinung sind, dass der Sektor immer noch ein unglaubliches, aber ungenutztes Potenzial hat, das insbesondere für Investoren und Bauherren ausgeschöpft werden muss, die nach den besten Möglichkeiten suchen, DeFi mit traditioneller Finanzierung zu verbinden. Im weiteren Verlauf dieser Reise werden wir detailliertere Informationen zu unseren Forschungs- und Anlagethesen zu diesen Branchen veröffentlichen, die nicht nur vielversprechend sind, sondern auch sofortige Ressourcen für eine vollständige Exploration benötigen. Hier sind nur einige der Themen, mit denen sich unser Team befasst:
- Das Metaverse und Blockchain-Gaming
- NFT-Anwendungsfälle in verschiedenen Branchen
- Reale Vermögenswerte und Blockchain-Adoptionen
- Traditionelle Finanzintegrationen und Einführung von Blockchain
Die Advanced Blockchain AG macht als Investor, Venture Builder und Forscher enorme Fortschritte bei der Entwicklung, Investition und Ausbildung von und für eine Blockchain-fähige Zukunft. Wir glauben, dass der Web3-Bereich mutige Innovationen erfordert, die den Nutzern variantenreiche Lösungen bieten, die letztendlich dazu beitragen, die Branche voranzubringen. Aus diesem Grund expandieren wir in einem unglaublichen Tempo und erweitern gleichzeitig den Schwerpunkt unserer Bemühungen. Unsere Bemühungen zielen darauf ab, Forschungs-, Entwicklungs- und Investitionsressourcen für Möglichkeiten bereitzustellen, die über den Rahmen von DeFi hinausgehen, aber grundlegende Technologien wie die Blockchain umfassen, die den Web3-Sektor antreibt. Wir freuen uns über alle Anfragen von Bauherren, Investoren und Forschern, die unsere Mission teilen, Web3 an seinen rechtmäßigen Platz zu bringen. Die Zukunft, an der Advanced Blockchain arbeitet, ist eine, in der es kein Hindernis gibt, wegweisende Lösungen zu entwickeln und die gewagtesten Fragen zu stellen, um sicherzustellen, dass die Zukunft der Blockchain robust, widerstandsfähig und kreativ ist.
Weitere Informationen zur Advanced Blockchain AG und unseren anderen Projekten und Investitionen finden Sie unter
Gestaltung der
Die Zukunft von Web3
Smart Capital trifft sich
strategische Innovation
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